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(NOTE: This page is always "under construction" - like me) 

Anthropologically speaking I'm interested in the multimodal co-creation of knowledges that help emancipation from systems of oppression (a phrase I borrowed from the late Atlanta-based environmental activist and friend Liam Rattray). To my anthropology, creative engagements with different communities are research methodologies that allow me inventive possibilities. 
My intellectual toolkit draws from Cultural Anthropology, Science and Technology Studies, new materialism and non-essentialist relational philosophies, and Non-western and decolonial thought.

Artistically speaking, I'm interested in the design and configuration of immersive sensorial environments through which moments of inspiration, connection, and self-reflection can be obtained. One of the ways I do this is by facilitating Ecstatic Dance and other music and movement spiritual events. To my artistic practice, social science knowledges are a way to integrate within larger social and political projects.

Brief Bio
Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, in a religious and ethnic mixed context, a Romanian Jewish father and a Catholic Venezuelan mother. This experience marked me, and the interplays between culture and belief have been a motif through the different ontological phases of my growth as a person; first scientism while studying in a technical institute in the USA (2006-2011), later the naive universalism of orientalism and the fascination with India (2011-2015), a long and deep incursion into Sufism and Islamic mysticism (2016-2021). My current focus (2021-) is on perennials among conscious dance and other Holistic Movement Practices in Europe and beyond. 

Email: tettner at

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